Johnathen Andrews

Johnathen has been the CEO of Ford since 2012. He graduated from the University of Michigan in 2008 and also attended Salem High School. He is an extremely hard worker and has helped Ford design the F-150. When Johnathen isn't working he is usually working out because he believes that his health is more important than his wealth. He also enjoys spending time with his wife and kids.

Sarah Johnson

Sarah Andrews is the lead Engineer working on the transmission for the 2021 Ford Bronco. She's an incredible asset to Ford. Her previous works include designing the transmissions for the 2019 F-150, 2020 Mustang, and 2016 escape. In Sarah's freetime she likes to go on bike rides and spend time with her children.

Andy Patel

Andy Patel is the Head of Human Resources. He's been with Ford for 10 years and he graduated from Michigan State University. Andy enjoys going to the movies and hanging out with his wife in his freetime. Andy's considered one of the hardest working employees at Ford and often works 60+ hours a week.

John Smith

John Smith has been working for Ford for nearly 30 years. He was first hired in 1992 and has helped Ford produce more fuel efficeient Engines that also weighed less. His innovations got him promoted to Head Engineer and currently he is in charge of designing new engines for future F-150's.

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